Thursday, November 10, 2016

Presidential election

The main intrigue of this week was president election in USA. It was question number one for all countries in the world. It looks like that such election in USA is even more important then all domestics problems. 

Both candidates Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton were untypical for candidate of the president of such huge country as USA. Trump winning was unpredictable for everyone. But Professor Sugai told us that Trump had very strong marketing plan. Very clear and direct messages for the specific categories made it  possible. This case proved democratic principles in USA. When the possibility to capture the majority of minds dominates the rationality.

 For my opinion the election's result is the same as Brexit. Countries with strong economy are trying to isolate from globalization process in oder to safe their magnitude and influence. Different kind of units as Soviet Union and European Union appeared to be ineffective. The history will show us the results in a while.   

1 comment:

  1. I agree but this raises the question who is benefiting from globalization? I am pretty sure that trade makes "all better off" with certain conditions. But I think all this newly triggered sense of protectionism has direct links to the flux of immigration and that by itself is caused by conflicts all over the world. What do you think?
